Risultati ricerca
Altmetrics : a practical guide for librarians, researchers and academics
/ edited by Andy Tattersall
London : Facet, 2016
Abstract/Sommario: This book gives an overview of altmetrics, its tools and how to implement them successfully to boost and measure research outputs. New methods of scholarly communication and dissemination of information are having a huge impact on how academics and researchers build profiles and share research. This groundbreaking and highly practical guide looks at the role that library and information professionals can play in facilitating these new ways of working and demonstrating impact and influe ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Milano : Bibliografica, [2004]
Milano : Bibliografica, [2007]
Roma : Carocci, 2007
London : Facet, 2013
Abstract/Sommario: Assessing impact is increasingly critical to the survival of services: managers now require comprehensive information about effectiveness, especially in relation to users. Outlining a rigorously tested approach to library evaluation and offering practical tools and highly relevant examples, this book enables LIS managers to get to grips with the slippery concept of service impact and to address their own impact questions in their planning. The 2nd edition is fully updated to include in ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Milano : Bibliografica, 1979
Firenze : Alinea, [1982]
Manziana : Vecchiarelli, 1995
Bologna : Clueb, 2019
Abstract/Sommario: Il volume raccoglie gli interventi tenuti il 18 marzo, il 25 marzo e il 1° aprile 2019 a Bologna presso Cubo Unipol per un ciclo di incontri che recava il medesimo titolo e realizzati grazie alla collaborazione tra l’Istituzione Biblioteche del Comune di Bologna, il corso di laurea magistrale in Digital Humanities dell’Università di Bologna e Unipol. A fronte dei notevoli incrementi sul numero dei download di pubblicazioni in formato degitale registrati negli ultimi anni, appare ben c ...; [Leggi tutto...]