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New York : Springer, 2018
Abstract/Sommario: This open access book examines the triangle between family, gender, and health in Europe from a demographic perspective. It helps to understand patterns and trends in each of the three components separately, as well as their interdependencies. It overcomes the widely observable specialization in demographic research, which usually involves researchers studying either family or fertility processes or focusing on health and mortality.
Houndmills ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011
Abstract/Sommario: This volume examines the consequences of activation policies from the individual citizen's perspective. The book offers an original analytical perspective of how the multidimensional concept of social citizenship can be used in comparative research in order to capture underlying policy change which is often underestimated by policy analysts who delimit their perspective to material aspects of social policy reforms. Eight case studies, covering the North, West, and South of Europe, prov ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Boca Raton ; London ; New York : Taylor & Francis, 2014
Abstract/Sommario: An essential reference for intermediate and advanced R programmers, the book presents useful tools and techniques for attacking many types of R programming problems, helping you avoid mistakes and dead ends. With more than ten years of experience programming in R, the author illustrates the elegance, beauty, and flexibility at the heart of R. Moreover, the book develops the necessary skills to produce quality code that can be used in a variety of circumstances.
New York ; London : UNFPA ; HelpAge International, c2012
Abstract/Sommario: This landmark publication, representing a collaboration of over 20 United Nations entities and major international organizations working in the field of ageing, reviews policies and action taken by governments and other stakeholders since the Second World Assembly on Ageing in 2002. In addition to providing many inspiring examples of innovative programmes that address population ageing and the concerns of older persons, the report captures the voices of some 1300 older persons themselv ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Chicago : University of Chicago press, 2009-
Washington : ASR, 1936-
College Station : Stata press, 2006
College Station : Stata press, 2009
College Station : Stata, 2010
Abstract/Sommario: The book provides the foundation to understand various approaches for analyzing time-to-event data. It is not only a tutorial for learning survival analysis but also a valuable reference for using Stata to analyze survival data. Although the book assumes knowledge of statistical principles, simple probability, and basic Stata, it takes a practical, rather than mathematical, approach to the subject. This updated third edition highlights new features of Stata 11, including competing-risk ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Thorofare : Slack, 2006
Abstract/Sommario: For nearly 20 years, this has been a valuable text for health practitioners with an interest in the impact of what people do throughout their lives. Now available in an updated and much-anticipated third edition, it continues the intention of the original publication: it encourages wide-ranging recognition of occupation as a major contributor to all people’s experience of health or illness. It also promotes understanding of how, throughout the world, “population health” as well as indi ...; [Leggi tutto...]
New York [etc.] : John Wiley & Sons, c1984
Washington : Brookings Institution, c2012
Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2023
Abstract/Sommario: The rich have always fascinated, sometimes in problematic ways. Medieval thinkers feared that the super-rich would act 'as gods among men’; much more recently Thomas Piketty made wealth central to discussions of inequality. In this book, Guido Alfani offers a history of the rich and super-rich in the West, examining who they were, how they accumulated their wealth and what role they played in society. Covering the last thousand years, with frequent incursions into antiquity, and integr ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Cambridge (Massachusetts) & London : Harvard University Press, 2019
Abstract/Sommario: From hidden connections in big data to bots spreading fake news, journalism is increasingly computer-generated. An expert in computer science and media explains the present and future of a world in which news is created by algorithm.
Washington DC : World Bank, c2014
Abstract/Sommario: Creating more and better jobs has become a top priority for policy makers in Europe and Central Asia. This book addresses the timely questions of what steps countries can take to do just that, and how to make work opportunities accessible to all. These questions are examined through the lens of two factors that make most of the region unique: the legacy of centrally planned economies (which is related to progress with market economy reforms) and the region's demographic shifts (with so ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Princeton (NJ) ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, 2011
San Francisco : Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 1996
Boston ; London : Nicholas Brealey, c2011
Abstract/Sommario: From technology and globalization to the increaing power of customers, the forces that have created the seismic changes in business today also serve as the foundation stones for the next generation of learning organizations. This book shows how to follow the path forged by such world-class leaders as Nokia, Lcoa and Canadian Imperial Bank to adapt and survive broad-based change and scale the ladder of corporate learning. In the second edition of this title, Michael Marquardt brings up ...; [Leggi tutto...]
New York : Harper Business, 2019
Abstract/Sommario: Managers and entrepreneurs in the digital age must learn to live in two worlds: the conventional economy and the platform economy. Platforms that operate for business purposes typically exist at the level of an industry or ecosystem, bringing individuals and organizations together so they can innovate and interact in ways that otherwise wouldn’t be possible. Platforms create economic value far beyond what we see in conventional companies. The Business of Platforms is a valuable and in- ...; [Leggi tutto...]
New Brunswick : London : Transaction, ©1998
Thousand Oaks, Cal. : Sage, c1994
Washington : Brookings Institution, 2011
Washington, D.C. : Brookings Institution Press, 2014
New York : Nova Science Publishers, 2012
Abstract/Sommario: The number of workers aged 55 and over experiencing long-term unemployment has grown substantially since the recession. In light of these developments, this book examines how older workers' status has changed since the recession; what risks unemployed older workers face and what challenges they experience in finding reemployment; how long-term unemployment could affect older workers' retirement income; and what other policies might help unemployed older workers.
Washington, DC : Peterson Institute for International Economics, Center for Social and Economic Research, 2008
Abstract/Sommario: The last three decades of economic, social, and political development in the world have been nothing short of spectacular. Japan rose to become a great economic power after its defeat in World War II. Its success was followed by rapid growth in the East Asian Tigers—Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea. Thanks to Deng Xiaoping’s reforms in 1978, China has risen to become a global economic superpower. India is growing at a similar speed, with the former Soviet bloc joining in t ...; [Leggi tutto...]
London ; New York : McGraw-Hill, c1981
China experiments : from local innovations to national reform
/ Ann Florini, Hairong Lai, Yeling Tan
Washington : Brookings institution press, 2012
Washington : Brookings Institution Press, 2014
Washington, D.C. : Bookings Institution Press, c2013
Abstract/Sommario: As the average age of the population continues to rise in industrialized nations, the fiscal impacts of aging demand ever-closer attention. This book examines one oft-discussed approach to the issue—encouraging people to work longer than they now do. Workers would spend more years paying taxes and fewer years drawing pension and health benefits. But how much difference to spending and revenues would longer working lives make? What steps could be taken to make longer working lives attra ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Thousand Oaks [etc.] : Sage, 1998