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Geneva : ILO, 2011
Abstract/Sommario: If the recent global economic crisis has debilitated labour in many parts of the world, many segments of the trade union movement have been fighting back, combining traditional and innovative strategies and articulating alternatives to the dominant political and economic models. This book offers a composite overview of the responses of trade unions and other workers’ organizations to neoliberal globalization in general and to the recent financial crisis in particular.
Geneve : Bureau international du travail, 1992
Geneva : International Labour Office, 1993
Geneva : ILO, 2019
Abstract/Sommario: New forces are transforming the world of work. The transitions involved call for decisive action. Countless opportunities lie ahead to improve the quality of working lives, expand choice, close the gender gap, reverse the damages wreaked by global inequality, and much more. Yet none of this will happen by itself. Without decisive action we will be heading into a world that widens existing inequalities and uncertainties. This landmark report by the Global Commission on the Future of Wor ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Geneva: ILO, 2021
Abstract/Sommario: Though working from home has long been an important feature of the world of work, the institutions that govern the labour market are rarely designed with the home as a workplace in mind. The sudden rise in homeworking brings renewed urgency to the need to appreciate the implications of home work for both workers and employers. This report seeks to improve understanding of home work and to advance guidance on policies that can pave the way to decent work for homeworkers both old and new ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Geneva : International Labour Organization, 2012
Abstract/Sommario: A green economy is necessary if sustainable development is to be realized. However, as this report emphasizes, a green economy can also, if accompanied by the right policy mix, create more and better jobs, lift people out of poverty and promote social inclusion. In fact, the growth model of the past few decades has been inefficient, not only economically, but also from environmental, employment and social perspectives.
Geneva: ILO, 2017
Abstract/Sommario: This edition takes stock of the current global labour market situation, assessing the most recent employment developments and forecasting unemployment levels in developed, emerging and developing countries. It also focuses on trends in job quality, paying particular attention to working poverty and vulnerable employment.
Geneva: ILO, 2018
Abstract/Sommario: The report analyses key job quality indicators, devoting particular attention to informality, underemployment and temporary employment. It also takes stock of structural sectoral shifts and ageing, two long-term trends likely to add further pressures on the labour market.
Geneva: ILO, 2019
Abstract/Sommario: This report provides an overview of global and regional trends in employment, unemployment, labour force participation, productivity, as well as employment status, informal employment and working poverty. It also examines income and social developments, and provides an indicator of social unrest. A key finding is that poor job quality is a prime concern for the most of the global labour force. In addition, unemployment and labour underutilization remain high in many countries, despite ...; [Leggi tutto...]