Risultati ricerca
Paris : OCDE, 1972
Paris : CEREQ, 1985
Paris : Les Editions d'organisation, 1988
Paris : OECD, 2021
Abstract/Sommario: This report offers an initial overview of the available information regarding the circumstances, nature and outcomes of the education of schoolchildren during the first wave of COVID-19 lockdowns of March-April 2020. Its purpose is primarily descriptive: it presents information from high quality quantitative studies on the experience of learning during this period in order to ground the examination and discussion of these issues in empirical examples. Information is presented on three ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Paris : OECD, c2015
Abstract/Sommario: What does redesigning schools and schooling through innovation mean in practice? How might it be brought about? These questions have inspired an influential international reflection on “Innovative Learning Environments” (ILE) led by the OECD. This reflection has already resulted in publications on core design principles and frameworks and on learning leadership. Now the focus extends from exceptional examples towards wider initiatives and system transformation. The report draws as core ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Paris : La documentation francaise, c1979
Paris : Centre d'études et de recherches sur les qualifications, 1984
[Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development], c2010
Abstract/Sommario: Meeting at the Toronto Summit during June 26-27, 2010, the assembled leaders of the Group of Twenty tasked the OECD, the ILO, World Bank, and the WTO as follows: open markets play a pivotal role in supporting growth and job creation, and in achieving goals under the G-20 framework for strong, sustainable and balanced growth. The present document is submitted in fulfilment of that mandate and is the product of close collaboration between the four international organisations, and draws u ...; [Leggi tutto...]