Risultati ricerca
Paris : OCDE, 1976
Paris : OECD, 2013
Abstract/Sommario: Recent reforms have put Germany among the OECD countries with the fewest restrictions on labour migration for highly-skilled occupations, yet inflows continue to be relatively low. As labour migration is supposed to be one means to help meet future labour and skill shortages caused by a shrinking working-age population, this book addresses the question of how to ensure that international recruitment can help meet urgent needs in the labour market which cannot be met locally. The review ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Paris : Union générale d'éditions, c1975 (stampa 1979)
[S.l. : s.n.], 2006
Paris : OCDE, 2004
Marseille : Centre d'études et de recherches sur les qualifications, 1996
Relations industrielles
: le travail et l'organisation, l'individuel et le collectif / Dimitri Weiss
Paris : Sirey, 1980
Issy : ANPE, 1982