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Paris : OCDE, 1977
Paris : OECD, 2013
Abstract/Sommario: The main task of the Working Group on Adult Learning of the INES Labour Market, Economic and Social Outcomes network is the development of indicators on Adult Learning for publication in the annual volume "Education at a Glance" of the OECD. As part of this task, a list of 18 policy goals/issues in the domain of adult learning have been identified through broad consultations. After identifying the policy goals a theoretical framework was developed in order to be able to systematically ...; [Leggi tutto...]
[Paris] : OECD, c2008
Abstract/Sommario: This report provides valuable insights into how labour policies can be expanded to meet economic development and social cohesion goals, while also reconciling national and local concerns. Studies from seven OECD countries are presented (Australia, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, the United Kingdom and the United States), each analysing attempts to expand workforce development policies and bridge the gap between national and local initiatives. Based on the country studies, the report th ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Paris : OECD, 2015
Abstract/Sommario: This paper presents an overview of the situation of youth in OECD countries since the onset of the financial crisis focusing primarily on describing the characteristics and living conditions of youth not in employment, education or training (NEET). It also provides data on the availability, coverage and effectiveness of income-support policies for young people, and summarises available evidence on the impact of interventions that aim at improving the social, education and employment si ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Paris : La documentation française, c1983
Paris : OECD, [2001]
Paris : OECD, [2001]
[Paris : La documentation française], 1971
Strasbourg : Conseil de l'Europe, 1968
Paris : La documentation francaise, [1978]