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Paris : OCDE, 1970
Paris : OCDE, 1977
Paris : La documentation française, 1971
Saint-Julien-du-Sault : Lobies, 1979
Paris : OECD, c2015
Abstract/Sommario: This paper analyses the efficacy of firm-level management practices in incorporating and retaining older workers. The paper notes that there are significant barriers to the integration of older workers into firms, and then outlines specific tools that could be used to enable older workers to contribute to enterprises. The OECD LEED Programme analysed age management practices in workplaces and found that a multi-faceted approach that targets multiple dimensions of the working experience ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Marseille : Cereq, c2006
Paris : Idea Books International, 1976
Paris : Organisation for economic co-operation and development, c1991
Maintaining prosperity in an ageing society
/ Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Paris : OECD, [1998]
Paris : Centre d'études et de rechèrches sur les qualifications, 1985