Risultati ricerca
Berlin : CEDEFOP, 1980
Bonn : IZA, 2020
Abstract/Sommario: This paper analyzes the role of networks in the spatial diffusion of local economic shocks in Africa. We show that road and ethnic connectivity are particularly important factors for diffusing economic spillovers over longer distances. We then determine the key players, i.e., which districts are key in propagating local economic shocks across Africa. Using these results, we conduct counterfactual policy exercises to evaluate the potential gains from policies that increase economic acti ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Wiesbaden : VS, Verlag fur Sozialwissenschaften, 2009.
Abstract/Sommario: This book explores some of the salient issues relating to the impact of demographic change on the workings and outcomes of labour markets. A first chapter studies the direct impact of ageing on amployment and unemployment. However, the age structure of the workforce also shapes productivity and the scope for innovation, issues which are taken up in turn. Furthermore, it is often argued that a decline in the size of the workforce may be offset by an increase in the wokkers' skills and k ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Bonn : IZA, 2020
Abstract/Sommario: Home office at full pay is not an option for all employees hit by the coronavirus crisis. To analyze changes in work arrangements during the pandemic, a team of economists from the University of Bonn, IZA and the University of Tilburg surveyed around 5,500 individuals in the Netherlands from March 20-31. The results show that high-skilled workers spend more time in the home office, while less-skilled workers are more likely to work reduced hours or lose their jobs. Education plays a ke ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Bonn : IZA, 2021
Abstract/Sommario: As the pandemic continues and countries experience a massive second wave, labor markets continue to be heavily affected. At the same time, countries have started to extend, but also adjust stabilization measures initially introduced at the outset of the crisis. As of today, three main elements of crisis response require particular attention: the further development of short-time work schemes, ad hoc income protection for the self-employed, and the specific difficulties labor markets ar ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Berlin : Cedefop, 1994
Berlin : Cedefop, 1989
Berlin : CEDEFOP, 1989
Berlin : CEDEFOP, 1991