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Gender, masculinities, and lifelong learning

New York : Routledge, 2012
Abstract: The book provides evidence and argument to illuminate contemporary debates about the involvement of men and women in education, in which some academics, practitioners and policy-makers have referred to a crisis of masculinity. Among questions dealt: Are men under-represented in education? Are women outstripping men in terms of achievement? What evidence supports the view that men are becoming educationally disadvantaged? Drawing on research from a number of countries, including the UK, ...; [read all]
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Description Gender, masculinities, and lifelong learning / [edited by] Marion Bowl ... [et al.]. - New York : Routledge, 2012. - xi, 190 p. ; 24 cm.
  • ISBN: 9780415667593
  • 306.432 - Cultura e istituzioni. Scuola e società
Publishing location
ID file 19983
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Ferguson, Graeme
Gage, Jeffrey
Leahy, Jennifer
Tobias, Robert
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Biblioteca INAPP 11941 CDS - Corrente CDS 01877 Available In library None