Analitico Analitico
Allulli, Giorgio

Factors influencing the use of Quality Assurance data in Italian (I)VET for the health care sector

Abstract: The contribution starts from describing the Italian context of Quality Assurance in (I)VET - Initial Vocational Education and Training - highlighting the reasons why evaluation and quality assurance have increasingly gained consideration within the national VET system as a whole. More specificly, the article shows the results of some Italian case studies - involving five vocational State schools for opticians and dental technicians - with the aim of demonstrating that the availability ...; [read all]
Field Value
Description Factors influencing the use of Quality Assurance data in Italian (I)VET for the health care sector / Giorgio Allulli and Ismene Tramontano
Analytic titles
ID file 17757
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Allulli, Giorgio
Tramontano, Ismene