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Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press, 2017
Abstract: A short, informal account of our ever-increasing dependence on a complex multiplicity of messages, records, documents, and data. The book invites us to take a step back from ever-changing technological characteristics, regulatory reactions, and accumulating caselaw and to take a fresh look at what all this is about, at how our societies create, handle, organize, share and restrict information and at how all this should be done considering our constitutional value systems—in short, to l ...; [Read more...]
Cambridge (MA) ; London : MIT press, [2013]
Abstract: This text on public economics covers the core topics of market failure and taxation as well as recent developments in both policy and the academic literature. It is unique not only in its broad scope but in its balance between public finance and public choice and its combination of theory and relevant empirical evidence. The book covers the theory and methodology of public economics; presents a historical and theoretical overview of the public sector; and discusses such topics as depa ...; [Read more...]
Cambridge (MA) ; London : MIT press, [2013]
Abstract: The solutions manual for all the 582 exercises in the second edition of "Intermediate public economics" ( offers students an opportunity to practice using the analytical tools of public economics at intermediate and more advanced levels.
Cambridge (MA) ; London : Harvard university press, 2000
Cambridge (MA) ; London : MIT press, c1998
Cambridge (Mass.) London : The MIT Press, c1991