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Torino : ERI, c1986
Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2009
Abstract: This report is based on the second EQLS carried out in 2007-8 and offers a wideranging view of the diverse social realities in the 27 Member States, as well as covering Norway and the candidate countries of Turkey, Macedonia and Croatia. The report presents the views and experiences of people living in Europe across a set of key domains: employment and income, family and community life, health and housing. It looks at factors influencing wellbeing and happiness and reflects people’s v ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2013
Abstract: This report assesses the impact of the crisis on the subjective well-being of Europeans. In 2011, GDP per capita in 22 out of the then 27 EU Member States was below 2008 levels, and unemployment rates were higher in 25 out of the 27. These indicators demonstrate worrying trends, but the report goes deeper, trying to answer various questions: What is the real impact on people’s lives? Who has been hit hardest? Where have there been positive wellbeing patterns? What explains the variatio ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2013
Abstract: This report explores how Europeans perceive the quality of their societies, and of their public services. It looks at such aspects of society as trust in institutions and other people, perceived tensions between social groups, attitudes towards migrants and the effects of the economic crisis on social inclusion and social cohesion. It nds that satisfaction with the economic situation of one’s country, not being in employment and overall life satisfaction appear to boost satisfaction ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2013
Abstract: This report examines social inequalities in the distribution of freedoms and opportunities among individuals and population subgroups in Europe. Using data from the European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS), the report builds up an evidence base on social inequalities in four critical areas of life: health, standard of living, productive and valued activities, and individual, family and social life. It examines the role of important determinants of social inequalities including gender, ag ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2014
Abstract: Eurofound has conducted the European Quality of Life Survey EQLS) in 2003, 2007 and 2011. This report compares the results from the three waves to provide evidence of trends and change in the quality of life of Europeans over a decade. It also examines whether differences across EU Member States have narrowed or remained stable. One of its findings is that subjective well-being has remained stable across the EU as whole, but it also finds that financial strain in households has grown ...; [Read more...]
Bologna : Il Mulino, 2015
Abstract: Un grande affresco della società europea, incentrato sui temi decisivi che ne hanno caratterizzato la storia: le popolazioni e le migrazioni; i confini e i nazionalismi; la specificità dell'esperienza urbana e il suo ruolo storico; le chiese, il pluralismo religioso e i fondamentalismi; le lingue; le università, dalla fondazione medievale all'università di massa, e le altre istituzioni del sapere; i sistemi politici, i parlamenti e i governi; le diseguaglianze e il welfare; l'integrazi ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2019
Abstract: This report describes the characteristics of the young people who face most difficulties in accessing social and health services, the types of services most relevant to them and the main challenges they face in accessing information and support services. It also looks at what service providers can do to ensure they reach young people in need of their support and presents innovative examples of how to tackle inequalities in access to services.
Cham (CH) : Palgrave Macmillan, 2022
Abstract: Questo libro analizza l'impatto della governance partecipativa sullo sviluppo culturale, spiegando perché le pratiche di partecipazione culturale possono portare sia a effetti sostenibili positivi sia a effetti inaspettati e controversi. Si concentra su quattro progetti realizzati nelle due capitali europee della cultura del 2013 - Marsiglia-Provenza (Francia) e Košice (Slovacchia) - nell'ambito del programma "Quartiers Créatifs" e del programma SPOTs. Combinando diversi filoni della t ...; [Read more...]
Napoli : Liguori, 2004