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Roma : INAPP, c2022
Abstract: Il paper esamina la relazione che lega le politiche attive per l’occupazione e l’evoluzione del mercato del lavoro. In particolare, l’analisi si focalizza sugli effetti che l’incentivo fiscale associato al contratto di apprendistato esercita sulle assunzioni e cessazioni dei rapporti di lavoro per la coorte di giovani under 30. Utilizzando un dataset di tipo employer-employee che integra le informazioni di natura campionaria sulle caratteristiche delle imprese (RIL-Inapp) e dati di fon ...; [Read more...]
Roma : INAPP, c2022
Abstract: It is now well accepted that human capital is a heterogeneous aggregate and that non-cognitive skills are at least as relevant as cognitive abilities. In spite of this growing interest in the labour market consequences of personality traits, the relationship between these and educational and skill mismatch is scant. In this paper, we investigate the impact of the five main personality traits (Big 5) on educational and skill mismatch in Italian graduates. To this aim, we use the 2018 wa ...; [Read more...]
Roma : INAPP, c2022
Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the relationship between local wages and the internal structure of the regional knowledge base. The purpose is to assess if the workers’ compensations are related to the peculiarities of the technological space where they supply their labor services. To test this hypothesis, we apply the concepts of related and unrelated variety to the firms’ patenting activity as to assess if wages grow more in a framework of ‘knowledge deepening’ (generated by firms inno ...; [Read more...]