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[S.l. : s.n., 2002]
Milano : Rizzoli, 1987
Roma : Ediesse, [2002]
Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2010
Abstract: This Yearbook sets out to distil Eurofound’s key findings during 2009. The first to be published as part of Eurofound’s four-year work programme ‘Better work, better life’ can deliver only a partial picture of Eurofound’s research findings, given the breadth of the work undertaken every year. However, as a glance through the Yearbook reveals, the impact of the recession dominated Eurofound research across its various areas of expertise. Moreover, Eurofound’s periodic, longitudinal rese ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2010
Abstract: This second annual Yearbook on Living and working in Europe 2010 aims to convey the main findings of some of Eurofound's key currents of research – in particular, results and analysis from its three pan-European surveys on company practices, working conditions and quality of life. All the surveys now enable us to paint some pictures of trends over time, crucial for understanding how Europe is developing and the changing challenges it is encountering. Not least among these challenges is ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2012
Abstract: This third annual Yearbook on Living and working in Europe 2011 provide a collection of data on the working conditions that European workers experience every day, on the living conditions and quality of life that citizens enjoy and on workplace practices prevalent in European companies. All three surveys have been conducted repeatedly at regular intervals so that trends can be captured. Close monitoring of labour market developments lead to other interesting insights, like the fact tha ...; [Read more...]
Marseille : Cereq, c2004
Torino : SEI, [1981]
Napoli : Jovene, 1990
Roma : SIPI, stampa 1989
Luxembourg : Office for official publications of the european communities, 2003
Luxembourg : Office for official publication of the European Communities, 2002
Luxembourg : Office des publications officielles des Communautes europeennes, 2002
Milano : Comune di Milano, stampa 2003
Milano : F. Angeli, 1971
Roma : Editori riuniti, 1980
[S.l. : s.n.], 1980 (Roma : Detti)
Roma : Tip. Detti
Campobasso : [s.n.], 2002 (Campobasso : Lampo)
Lussemburgo : Ufficio delle pubblicazioni ufficiali delle Comunita europee, 2001
[Roma : Ministero del lavoro e della previdenza sociale, 2000]
Milano : Etas Kompass, 1966
Milano : Etas Kompass, 1967
London ; New York : Methuen, 1982
Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2009
Abstract: This sixth annual review of working conditions in the EU outlines relevant legislative and policy developments during the period 2008–2009 in the context of labour market mobility and demographic change. It also explores a range of issues and challenges related to working life and the workplace. It focuses in particular on four critical dimensions: career development and employment security, health and well-being, skills and competence development, and work–life balance.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1977 (Roma : Tip. D. Detti), 1977
[S.l. : s.n.], 1977 (Roma : Tip. Detti)
Firenze : Associazione degli industriali della provincia di Firenze ... [et al.], stampa 1984
Bari : Cacucci, 1997
Amsterdam [etc.] : North-Holland, c1984
Paris : Centre d'études et de recherches sur les qualifications : OCDE, 1985
[Padova] : Cleup, stampa 2007
Roma : [S.n.], 1991 (Roma : Eliograf)
Roma : ISFOL, c2011
Abstract: Il volume illustra i contributi al dibattito sulla qualità del lavoro che l'Isfol ha prodotto negli ultimi trent'anni, configurandosi come uno dei principali referenti, per l'Italia e per gli altri paesi, della ricerca sul tema. L'interesse dell'Isfol per tale filone di ricerca è nato già dall'inizio degli anni '80, e ha acquistato un nuovo impulso negli ultimi dieci anni, con l'avvio di un'indagine campionaria a carattere ricorrente, giunta ormai alla terza edizione. Proprio in vista ...; [Read more...]
Paris : PUF, [1982]
Bari : De Donato, [1977]
[S.l. : s.n.], 2001 (Pescara : Tipolitografia Sigraf)
Marseiile : Céreq, 2003
Padova : CEDAM, 1988
[Milano] : Il sole 24 ore libri, 1989
Torino : Codex, c1999
Roma : Datanews, 1987
Casale Monferrato : Sonda, 2004
Milano : F. Angeli, c1993
Torino : Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, 1977
Roma : ISFOL, 2007
Abstract: Panoramica degli interventi realizzati nel corso della prima fase dell'iniziativa comunitaria Equal (2000-2004). In particolare, si analizzano i risultati conseguiti a vari livelli nell'ambito dell'Osservatorio Tematico Nazionale costituitosi nel 2004.