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[S.l. : s.n., 2002]
Milano : Rizzoli, 1987
Roma : Ediesse, [2002]
Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2010
Abstract: This Yearbook sets out to distil Eurofound’s key findings during 2009. The first to be published as part of Eurofound’s four-year work programme ‘Better work, better life’ can deliver only a partial picture of Eurofound’s research findings, given the breadth of the work undertaken every year. However, as a glance through the Yearbook reveals, the impact of the recession dominated Eurofound research across its various areas of expertise. Moreover, Eurofound’s periodic, longitudinal rese ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2010
Abstract: This second annual Yearbook on Living and working in Europe 2010 aims to convey the main findings of some of Eurofound's key currents of research – in particular, results and analysis from its three pan-European surveys on company practices, working conditions and quality of life. All the surveys now enable us to paint some pictures of trends over time, crucial for understanding how Europe is developing and the changing challenges it is encountering. Not least among these challenges is ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2012
Abstract: This third annual Yearbook on Living and working in Europe 2011 provide a collection of data on the working conditions that European workers experience every day, on the living conditions and quality of life that citizens enjoy and on workplace practices prevalent in European companies. All three surveys have been conducted repeatedly at regular intervals so that trends can be captured. Close monitoring of labour market developments lead to other interesting insights, like the fact tha ...; [Read more...]
Marseille : Cereq, c2004
Torino : SEI, [1981]
Napoli : Jovene, 1990