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Luxembourg : Office for official publications of the European communities, 2000
Firenze : La Nuova Italia, 1953
Luxembourg : Office for official publications of the European Communities, 1996
Milano : Angeli, 2020
Abstract: La Peer Education rappresenta uno degli interventi più efficaci nell'ambito dei programmi di salute pubblica realizzati a livello internazionale. La forza dell'educazione tra pari consiste nel rendere protagonisti i giovani degli interventi di prevenzione e promozione valorizzando le loro abilità naturali e formandoli con nuove competenze. In questo modo è possibile offrire loro degli spazi di impegno per incontrare i coetanei e affrontare temi delicati e importanti che interessano lo ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2013
Abstract: Cedefop’s work in 2013 is aligned to objectives of the European Union’s ‘Europe 2020’ strategy and the policy framework devised to achieve them. This includes the flagship initiatives (‘Agenda for new skills and jobs’, ‘Youth on the move’), annual growth surveys, the ‘Education and training 2020’ framework, the Bruges communiqué with its objectives and deliverables for vocational education and training, the European Commission’s employment and youth employment packages and the communic ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2014
Abstract: Cedefop’s work programme 2014 takes the final phase of the medium-term priorities 2012-14 into account in a European context of low economic recovery, high youth unemployment, skills needs and gaps and the overall European policy framework for education and training. New projects include the EU skills panorama (EUSP) and the inventory on validation. Following up a mandate from the European Council, national qualifications frameworks (NQF) mapping’s scope will be broadened to include pr ...; [Read more...]
Paris : UNESCO, c2012
Abstract: The Education for All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report (GMR) is an annual publication that monitors progress toward a set of targets to which over 160 countries committed themselves in 2000. Every year, it also focuses on a specific theme of particular relevance to achieving the EFA goals. This 10th edition of the Report focuses on the condition of young people, in particular as regard employment and education.