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Bruxelles : Eurydice, [1992]
Bruxelles : EACEA, c2011
Abstract: For the first time, a pan-European study offers a comprehensive picture of reading literacy and identifies some of the key factors impacting on the acquisition of reading skills for 3-15 year olds. It addresses four key topics: teaching approaches, tackling reading difficulties, teacher education and the promotion of reading outside school. It investigates each key topic in the light of the results of academic research, the latest results of international surveys and an in-depth review ...; [Read more...]
Teramo : Giunti & Lisciani, stampa 1982
[S.l. : s.n.], 1980 (Roma : Tip. Detti)
Firenze : La nuova Italia, 1947
Firenze : La Nuova Italia, 1970
Firenze : La nuova Italia, 1964
Roma : Armando, 1968