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Napoli : Editoriale Scientifica, 2023
Abstract: Nel settembre 2022 si è tenuta a Bari una Conferenza di ESPAnet Italia (associazione di studiosi di politiche sociali volta a promuovere il dibattito interdisciplinare) dedicata a «La sfida del PNRR. La ricostruzione del welfare e le dinamiche della complessità». A distanza di un anno si è pensato di aggiornare alcuni contributi presentati in quella sede, tenendo conto di ulteriori sviluppi nell’attuazione del PNRR italiano alla luce degli interventi determinati dal Governo nazionale e ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2021
Abstract: While gender equality and women’s empowerment have never been so high up on the EU’s political agenda, the past year has been particularly challenging for gender equality. Next to growing opposition, the COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected women’s lives. More robust EUwide data are gradually becoming available, but there is already ample evidence that the hard-won achievements of past years have been ‘rolled back’ by the pandemic. Many stakeholders are concerned that it ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2019
Abstract: ESDE confirms the continued expansion of the EU’s economy, all-time records for high employment and low unemployment as well as an improving social situation with the number of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion (AROPE) continuing to fall below its pre-crisis level. This report is dedicated to the theme of sustainability with a focus on its social dimension. ESDE discusses policy options that can preserve the EU’s competitiveness, sustain growth for the entire EU population ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2019
Abstract: The Strategic Engagement for Gender Equality 2016–2019 is the European Commission’s policy framework for promoting gender equality in the European Union up to 2019. This evaluation examines the relevance, effectiveness and added value of this framework, and reveals its main strengths and weaknesses. The purpose of these analyses is to make recommendations for a future framework for gender equality at the EU level. The evaluation is based on different sources of information: a literatur ...; [Read more...]
Warsaw : SGH Publishing House, 2019
Abstract: This book collects contributions of scholars and experts who took part to the International Conference on Muslim minorities and the refugee crisis in Europe, held in 2018at the Warsaw School of Economics in Warsaw, Poland. A wide range of topics are dealt concerning the refugee crisis in Europe and Muslim communities living there or in the neighborhood, such as: the approach of European countries to the refugee crises and to migrants and refugees in general; the scope and tools of immi ...; [Read more...]
Roma : ISFOL, 2009
Abstract: La presente analisi è focalizzata sui progetti di sperimentazione formativa finanziati dall’Agenzia Nazionale italiana, ovvero sulle iniziative realizzate nell’ambito della misura Progetti pilota della precedente programmazione e dell’azione di Trasferimento dell’Innovazione del Programma Leonardo – LLP 2007- 2013. Il presente studio, quindi, comprende una disamina delle più recenti politiche comunitarie sulla questione della trasparenza e della validazione dell’apprendimento non forma ...; [Read more...]
Roma : INAPP, c2018
Abstract: Il presente paper propone una riflessione circa i potenziali effetti sul lavoro dell’attuale processo di digitalizzazione ed automazione delle relazioni socio-economiche. La tesi di base è quella della nonneutralità del cambiamento tecnologico, in ragione della quale la politica economica tende a giocare un ruolo chiave nell’assicurare l’equa distribuzione di costi e benefici; nonché la sostenibilità sociale dello stesso cambiamento tecnologico. Enfatizzando l’eterogeneità dei potenzia ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2018
Abstract: Technological transformation, global competition forces, and demographic change will continue to affect how people work, consume and live. These mega-trends have made the labour market more dynamic and have brought with them more diverse forms of work and new jobs, requiring new skills. They also have the potential to contribute to increasing inequality and challenge time-honoured institutions. Thus, established labour market regulatory frameworks and solidarity mechanisms may need to ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Publications office of the European Union, 2018
Abstract: The Bologna Process has brought us a long way towards achieving the goals for European higher education set two decades ago. This third edition of the Bologna Process Implementation Report provides clear evidence of change in the higher education landscape. It shows where progress has been made, but also points to the gaps that need to be filled if we are to strengthen European higher education cooperation on the basis of quality and mutual trust. Higher education has been evolving rap ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2017
Abstract: The Labour Market and Wage Developments in Europe report analyses the labour market from a macroeconomic perspective. It provides an analysis of recent employment and wage developments, looking at the euro area and the EU as a whole in comparison with its global trading partners. The 2017 edition shows that job creation continued to progress in 2016 and the first half of 2017 and analyses the reasons behind this improvement. The report also focuses on the structural and institutional d ...; [Read more...]