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[Bergamo] : ADAPT University Press, 2022
Abstract: La cura della persona è stata una responsabilità tradizionalmente rimessa, in Italia, alla dimensione familiare, penalizzando le donne che hanno da sempre sostenuto il carico di questo lavoro dentro e fuori dalle mura domestiche. Un lavoro sottovalutato, non riconosciuto, sottopagato, persino invisibile. A fronte dell’emergere di vere e proprie emergenze e di bisogni di assistenza sempre più complessi e differenziati, alcuni passi sono stati compiuti verso il riconoscimento del ruolo d ...; [Read more...]
Bonn : IZA, 2020
Abstract: The paper presents findings from a novel survey of Italian, British, and American families in lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic of spring 2020. A high percentage report disruptions in the patterns of family life, manifesting in new work patterns, chore allocations and household tensions. Though men have taken a greater share of childcare and grocery shopping duties, reallocations are not nearly as stark as disruptions to work patterns might suggest, and families having to reallocat ...; [Read more...]
Bonn : IZA, 2020
Abstract: This study examines the initial impact of COVID-19 shutdowns on the employment and hours of unincorporated self-employed workers using data from the Current Population Survey. Although the shutdowns decreased employment and hours for all groups, differential effects by gender, couple status, and parental status exist. Coupled women were less likely to be working than coupled men, while single women were more likely to be working than single men. However, fathers of school-age children ...; [Read more...]
Bonn : IZA, 2017
Abstract: The research draw lessons from existing work and analysis on the effects of parental leave and other interventions aimed at aiding families. The outcomes of interest are female employment, gender gaps in earnings and fertility. The authors begin with a discussion of the historical introduction of family policies ever since the end of the nineteenth century and then turn to the details regarding family policies currently in effect across high-income nations. Then they sketch a framework ...; [Read more...]
Milano : Angeli, 2013
Abstract: The goal of reconciliation measures is not only to support the work-family balance in terms of material aids, but also to find new strategies to improve the quality of the well-being of individuals and families relationships. This special issue is concerned with work-family challenges or, more exactly, it aims at developing new insights into the work-family issues in different European countries.
Geneva : International Labour Office, 2013
Abstract: This volume presents national statistics and new global and regional estimates on the number of domestic workers. It shows that domestic workers represent a significant share of the labour force worldwide and that domestic work is an important source of wage employment for women, especially in Latin America and Asia. It also examines the extent of inclusion or exclusion of domestic workers from key working conditions laws. In particular, it analyses how many domestic workers are covere ...; [Read more...]
Abstract: Il significativo aumento, in Europa, delle “dual-earner famiglie” ha ridefinito i ruoli di genere nella gestione dei compiti domestici e di cura, modificando la tradizionale divisione sessuale del lavoro. Gli studi condotti nei diversi paesi hanno evidenziato che il tempo trascorso dai padri con i figli è concretamente cresciuto in questi ultimi anni. Ma cosa favorisce la cura paterna? È possibile identificare delle caratteristiche che incoraggiano la condivisione nella cura familiare? ...; [Read more...]
Houndmills, Basingstoke Hampshire ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012
Abstract: This anthology presents new research related to welfare state, child care policies and small children's every day lives in early childhood education and care in institutions in Europe. By uniting recent social childhood research, welfare perspectives as well as historical and comparative approaches, institutionalization as a feature of modern child life is discussed. The anthology takes as a point of departure a close connection between labor market and work life on one side and develo ...; [Read more...]
Milano : Angeli, c2008
Abstract: Il volume ripercorre i tratti salienti del fenomeno del badantato e indaga sugli strumenti che potrebbero agevolare il passaggio verso la strada della legalità dei rapporti di lavoro, la qualità dei servizi erogati e la sostenibilità delle condizioni contrattuali che legano famiglie e badanti. Illustra inoltre l’intervento prototipale ed i risultati ottenuti dal progetto Equal “I Mestieri Invisibili” in provincia di Chieti.
Abstract: Il saggio propone una riflessione sul lavoro domestico, dalla sua definizione legislativa per poi focalizzarsi sulle ragioni delle diffuse irregolarità e concludendo con alcune proposte per il superamento delle irregolarità del settore, con un focus particolare sulla tutela procedurale.