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Luxembourg : Office for official publications of the European Communities, c2004
[Roma] : Formez Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, stampa 2003
Bruxelles : European Parliament, c2011
Abstract: The study assesses the scope and implications of Article 80 of TFEU (Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union) which relates to the principle of solidarity in the field of border checks, asylum and immigration. The study analyses primary and secondary sources of European law in order to identify the implications of Article 80 TFEU in terms of obligations and jurisdiction. It also discusses the results of a questionnaire that was administered to senior public officials in the EU, ...; [Read more...]
[S.l. : s.n.]
Milano : F. Angeli, [1987]
Lussemburgo : Ufficio delle pubblicazioni ufficiali delle Comunita europee, 1989
Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, c2004
Napoli : Edizioni Dehoniane, stampa 1981
[S. l.] : INEA, stampa 2001 (Roma : Principe)