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New York : Springer, 2018
Abstract: This open access book examines the triangle between family, gender, and health in Europe from a demographic perspective. It helps to understand patterns and trends in each of the three components separately, as well as their interdependencies. It overcomes the widely observable specialization in demographic research, which usually involves researchers studying either family or fertility processes or focusing on health and mortality.
[Sheffield : University of Sheffield, 2011]
Abstract: Futurage is a two-year project funded by the European Commission, under the Seventh Framework Programme, to create the definitive road map for ageing research in Europe for the next 10-15 years. This document is the result of such project and contains the research agenda that will enable Europe to respond successfully to the unprecedented demographic challenges it faces. Its twin starting points are the high priority allocated to population ageing, by Member States and the European Uni ...; [Read more...]
Milano : Angeli, 2021
Abstract: Lo scopo di questo libro è aiutare le aziende a gestire i "senior" come vere risorse, e farne dei pilastri della performance aziendale, anziché sopportarli in attesa di scivoli forzati verso il prepensionamento. L'"active ageing" è una sfida che tutte le aziende dovranno affrontare: partire tra i primi diventa un reale vantaggio competitivo. L'Italia ha conquistato un record poco noto e ancor meno invidiabile: quello della forza lavoro più anziana del mondo. La causa principale è che p ...; [Read more...]
Paris : OECD, c2015
Abstract: Ageing has a wide range of impacts on individuals and society as a whole. But the consequences for health care, working life, income and well-being in general are not always what many people imagine. OECD Insights "Ageing. Debate the Issues" discusses the problems, challenges, and opportunities that ageing brings to citizens and governments in developed and developing countries. Experts on demography, medical research, pensions, employment and other domains from inside and outside the ...; [Read more...]
Roma : ISFOL, c2012
Abstract: L’Unione europea ha dichiarato il 2012 Anno europeo dell’invecchiamento attivo e della solidarietà tra le generazioni. Lo studio fornisce alcuni spunti per una lettura complessiva dei fenomeni connessi all’invecchiamento della popolazione e della forza lavoro, con particolare riferimento ai dati della realtà nazionale.
2012 is the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations. A chance to reflect on how Europeans are living longer and staying healthier than ever ...; [Read more...]
2012 is the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations. A chance to reflect on how Europeans are living longer and staying healthier than ever ...; [Read more...]
Firenze : [Dipartimento statistico matematico dell'Università di Firenze], 1972
[S.l. : s.n.], c2010
Abstract: Demographic change is, without any doubt, one of the megatrends that will influence Europe in many ways during the next decades. The European Council and the European Commission have recognised this for some years now and it has even been reflected in the EU Treaty. This report focuses on the most relevant probable effects of demographic change on work in Europe – a shrinking workforce and the changing composition of this workforce.
Abstract: I fattori che possono influenzare l’andamento delle disuguaglianze economiche sono numerosi. Tra questi, gli importanti cambiamenti demografici ed economici sperimentati dalle famiglie mononucleari e di quelle a doppio reddito.