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Paris : OECD Publishing, c2019
Abstract: This report examines past and existing individual learning accounts and other individual schemes to finance training, based on a review of the existing literature as well as six new case studies commissioned by the OECD: The Upper Austrian Bildungskonto, the French Compte Personnel de Formation, the Scottish Individual Learning Accounts/Individual Training Accounts, the Singapore SkillsFuture Credit, the Tuscan Carta ILA, and the Individual Training Accounts in Michigan and Washington ...; [Read more...]
Pisa : Plus, 2008
Abstract: La ricerca presentata in questo volume si volge verso i recenti sviluppi del sistema toscano di formazione professionale per fermare l'attenzione sulle attività formative promosse attraverso il finanziamento individuale tramite voucher, al fine di tracciare un quadro della situazione e trarre indicazioni per lo sviluppo futuro.