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[S.l. : s.n.], 2011
Abstract: The unemployment rate for young people aged between 16 and 24 years in the EU27 is twice as high as the overall rate of unemployment. The recession has exacerbated this problem significantly. Foundation findings provide pertinent background information and policy pointers for all actors and interested parties engaged in the current European debate on the future of social policy. The contents are based on Foundation research and reflect its autonomous and tripartite structure.
Roma : Il pensiero scientifico, 1977
Roma : Ediesse, [2006]
Abstract: Il volume illustra la prima indagine Ires rivolta ai giovani al lavoro. Al centro, la questione giovanile intesa come sicurezza e prospettiva per il futuro, come riconoscimento del valore dell'istruzione e come avvio di un processo di rinnovamento generazionale dello stesso sindacato.
[Roma] : ISFOL, 1979
Roma : Carocci, 2012
Abstract: Grazie al contributo di studiosi di varie discipline e operatori del territorio, il volume ricostruisce un quadro dei rischi sociali che interessano la condizione del giovane adulto e si interroga sul modo attraverso cui le politiche pubbliche si stiano attrezzando per far fronte a tali criticità. In particolare i contributi si soffermano su alcune esperienze di livello europeo, nazionale e locale, che sviluppano un’idea di autonomia quale progetto da costruire collettivamente attraver ...; [Read more...]
[S.l. : s.n.], 2013
Abstract: Young workers across the EU, particularly young labour market entrants, are faced with major employment difficulties. High unemployment rates and poorer working conditions for young people have added new negative dimensions to the traditional problems of this group in accessing work. This report looks at the current working conditions of Europe’s young labour market entrants and how these conditions have evolved in recent years, especially during the crisis. It finds a greater prevalen ...; [Read more...]
[S.l. : s.n.], 2013
Abstract: Young people in Europe have been particularly affected by the recession: by mid-2013, the unemployment rate among people aged 24 and under was over 23%. A large proportion of workers in this age group are employed on temporary rather than permanent contracts (42% compared to just 10% of workers aged 25–64). While temporary or fixed-term contracts can be a stepping stone in the transition from education into work, they can also trap young people in insecure jobs. This report from the Eu ...; [Read more...]