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Milano : Garzanti, 2022
Abstract: Che cos’è un bullshit job? Secondo la teoria dell'autore, l’espressione designa un’attività lavorativa che potrebbe essere soppressa, senza che nessuno al mondo ne senta la mancanza. Oppure, più radicalmente, la società potrebbe anche trarre giovamento dalla scomparsa di tale lavoro inutile. Questa percezione di inutilità è un tratto che caratterizza il nostro mercato del lavoro: occorre pertanto riflettere sulla sua fondatezza. Un punto centrale della questione è: chi decide che un la ...; [Read more...]
College Station : Stata Press, 2021
Abstract: Environmental Econometrics Using Stata is written for applied researchers that want to understand the basic theory of modern statistical methods and how to use them. It is also perfectly suited for teaching. Each chapter is motivated with real data and ends with a set of exercises. The book is also inherently interdisciplinary. The questions posed by environmental issues are relevant to researchers in the physical sciences, economics, sociology, political science, and public health, am ...; [Read more...]
Boca Raton [etc.] : Chapman & Hall, c2004
Abstract: This book unifies and extends latent variable models, including multilevel or generalized linear mixed models, longitudinal or panel models, item response or factor models, latent class or finite mixture models, and structural equation models. Following a gentle introduction to latent variable modeling, the authors clearly explain and contrast a wide range of estimation and prediction methods from biostatistics, psychometrics, econometrics, and statistics. They present exciting and rea ...; [Read more...]
[S.l. : s.n.], c2011
Abstract: Economic, demographic and socio-ecological developments have triggered and will continue to lead to labour market reforms in many European countries. Hence, how to organise the labour market is one of the key public policy issues of today. In policy debates, the most important concepts seem to be ‘flexicurity’ and the ‘transitional labour market’; in this regard, the paper outlines potentially relevant research questions focused on explaining the variations in labour market policies ac ...; [Read more...]
Milano : EGEA, ©1999