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Milano : Angeli, 2021
Abstract: In larga parte del mondo occidentale si assiste al progressivo riconoscimento delle persone omosessuali come comunità sociale con identità, culture e spazi sempre più riconoscibili. Queste dimensioni fanno da contrappeso all'eterosessismo, all'omofobia e alle pressioni conformiste della società mainstream. Anche in Italia, la maggiore visibilità acquisita dalla comunità LGBT+, l'accrescimento delle tutele sul piano normativo e il processo di digitalizzazione stanno contribuendo a frant ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2010
Abstract: This Yearbook sets out to distil Eurofound’s key findings during 2009. The first to be published as part of Eurofound’s four-year work programme ‘Better work, better life’ can deliver only a partial picture of Eurofound’s research findings, given the breadth of the work undertaken every year. However, as a glance through the Yearbook reveals, the impact of the recession dominated Eurofound research across its various areas of expertise. Moreover, Eurofound’s periodic, longitudinal rese ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2010
Abstract: This second annual Yearbook on Living and working in Europe 2010 aims to convey the main findings of some of Eurofound's key currents of research – in particular, results and analysis from its three pan-European surveys on company practices, working conditions and quality of life. All the surveys now enable us to paint some pictures of trends over time, crucial for understanding how Europe is developing and the changing challenges it is encountering. Not least among these challenges is ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2012
Abstract: This third annual Yearbook on Living and working in Europe 2011 provide a collection of data on the working conditions that European workers experience every day, on the living conditions and quality of life that citizens enjoy and on workplace practices prevalent in European companies. All three surveys have been conducted repeatedly at regular intervals so that trends can be captured. Close monitoring of labour market developments lead to other interesting insights, like the fact tha ...; [Read more...]
[Milano] : Bompiani, 2018
Abstract: In un mondo invaso da informazioni irrilevanti, la lucidità è potere. La censura non opera bloccando il flusso di informazioni, ma inondando le persone di disinformazione e distrazioni. Il volume si fa largo in queste acque torbide e affronta alcune delle questioni più urgenti dell'agenda globale contemporanea. Crisi della democrazia liberale, questioni ideologiche e religiose, guerre, terrorismo, migrazioni, cambiamento climatico: sono solo alcune delle tematiche trattate e sulle qual ...; [Read more...]
Argelato : Minerva, 2016
Abstract: Il rapporto viene costruito ogni anno attorno a sei dicotomie, illustrate attraverso altrettanti saggi accompagnati da sessanta schede fenomenologiche. Vengono affrontati, quindi, attraverso una lettura duale e contrapposta della realtà, temi che l’Istituto ritiene rappresentativi, anche se non esaustivi, della attualità politica, economica e sociale del nostro Paese. Le dicotomie tematiche individuate per 2016 sono: Libertà/Necessità, Religiosità/Secolarizzazione, Io/Noi, Menzogna/Ver ...; [Read more...]
Roma : Lavoro, [1986]
[S.l. : s.n.], 2011
Abstract: The four drivers of change identified in Eurofound’s 2009-2012 work programme, globalisation, demographic change, technological change and climate change, remain challenges at global and European levels. These challenges are reflected in the Europe 2020 strategy. The demographic changes in particular are amplified in dealing with the impact of the recession. The impact of the economic and employment crisis sees greater emphasis on some socio-economic priorities, such as: measures to st ...; [Read more...]
[S.l. : s.n.], 2012
Abstract: The year 2012 marks the last year of Eurofound’s four-year 2009–2012 work programme Europe at work: Better life and opportunities for all. The drivers of change listed in the four year programme globalisation, technological change, climate change and the demographic challenge – remain, but due to the financial and economic crisis, emphasis has shifted, and the impact of the crisis as well as the issues of stimulating growth and job creation have gained prominence. While continuing to f ...; [Read more...]
[S.l. : s.n.], 2012
Abstract: The activities proposed in the annual programme for 2013 are designed to contribute to achieving this while also taking into account the organisational and policy context specific to the year 2013. As is appropriate for the first year of a four-year programme cycle, a number of activities will be launched in 2013 and will be continued or complemented by follow-up projects and further strands in coming years. The 2013 work programme also takes into account the sequence and work processe ...; [Read more...]