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Bielefeld : Bertelsmann, 2001
Bielefeld : Bertelsmann, c2010
Gutersloh : Bertelsmann Lexikon-Verlag, c1979
Bielefeld : Bertelsmann, c2013
Abstract: In order to strengthen the existing partnerships of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) and to establish new cooperation projects, the BIBB has created its regional partners meetings. These are a forum for discussing issues of mutual interest which have been topical for some years, intensifying existing relationships and initiating joint projects. The present BIBB publication evolved on the occasion of the First BIBB Global Partners Meeting at the WorldSk ...; [Read more...]
Bielefeld : Bertelsmann, c2011
Bielefeld : W. Bertelsmann : Expert commission on financing lifelong learning, c2003
Bielefeld : Bertelsmann, c2009
Schaubilder zur Berufsbildung : Fakten, Strukturen, Entwicklungen
/ Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung
Bielefeld : Bertelsmann ; Berlin ; Bonn : BIBB, 1999