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[S.l. : s.n.], 2011
Abstract: The four drivers of change identified in Eurofound’s 2009-2012 work programme, globalisation, demographic change, technological change and climate change, remain challenges at global and European levels. These challenges are reflected in the Europe 2020 strategy. The demographic changes in particular are amplified in dealing with the impact of the recession. The impact of the economic and employment crisis sees greater emphasis on some socio-economic priorities, such as: measures to st ...; [Read more...]
[S.l. : s.n.], 2012
Abstract: The year 2012 marks the last year of Eurofound’s four-year 2009–2012 work programme Europe at work: Better life and opportunities for all. The drivers of change listed in the four year programme globalisation, technological change, climate change and the demographic challenge – remain, but due to the financial and economic crisis, emphasis has shifted, and the impact of the crisis as well as the issues of stimulating growth and job creation have gained prominence. While continuing to f ...; [Read more...]
[S.l. : s.n.], 2012
Abstract: The activities proposed in the annual programme for 2013 are designed to contribute to achieving this while also taking into account the organisational and policy context specific to the year 2013. As is appropriate for the first year of a four-year programme cycle, a number of activities will be launched in 2013 and will be continued or complemented by follow-up projects and further strands in coming years. The 2013 work programme also takes into account the sequence and work processe ...; [Read more...]
[S.l. : s.n.], 2013
Abstract: The focus of Eurofound’s 2014 work programme will be on providing knowledge that will help to address Europe’s employment and social crisis. In relation to employment, the Agency will continue to provide information on ongoing changes in the employment structure. To support policies aimed at combating unemployment, the focus will be on job creation in SMEs and on initiatives for young people. For those in employment, sustainable working conditions throughout working life, as well as co ...; [Read more...]
[S.l. : s.n.], c2010
Abstract: Demographic change is, without any doubt, one of the megatrends that will influence Europe in many ways during the next decades. The European Council and the European Commission have recognised this for some years now and it has even been reflected in the EU Treaty. This report focuses on the most relevant probable effects of demographic change on work in Europe – a shrinking workforce and the changing composition of this workforce.
[Dublin : Eurofound, c2012]
Abstract: This report reviews existing evidence on the effectiveness of policies tackling youth unemployment for a selected number of countries (Austria, Hungary, Italy, Finland, France, Spain, Great Bretain, Ireland e Sweden) and complements this information with expert interviews. It seeks to assess the extent to which the chosen measures have been successful, looking at their outputs, outcomes and wider impact.
Il paper analizza l’efficacia delle politiche adottate per combattere la disocc ...; [Read more...]
Il paper analizza l’efficacia delle politiche adottate per combattere la disocc ...; [Read more...]
[S.l. : s.n.], 2011
Abstract: Across Europe, diverse forms of employee representation structures have developed, providing workers with differing opportunities to voice their interests and to be consulted by their employers directly, at their workplaces, on matters such as economic and human resources developments, working conditions and health and safety measures. This report focuses on the workplace dimension of institutionalised representation of employees. At this level, representation involves only workers of ...; [Read more...]
Dublin : Eurofound, 2013
Abstract: This report describes recent structural shifts in employment in European labour markets before, during and after the 2008–2009 recession. It finds that employment destruction across Europe in the recession was strongly polarising in terms of the wage structure, while there was less polarisation in 2010–2012. A jobsbased approach identifies how net employment shifts at Member State and EU level have been distributed across jobs in different quintiles of the wage distribution. Two altern ...; [Read more...]
[S.l. : s.n., 2012]
Abstract: Eurofound’s research on ‘Restructuring in recession and labour force participation’ explored the age management practices of companies in light of restructuring undergone during the recession. The study looked at policy in relation to the retention of older workers (aged 50 or more) in employment at national and establishment levels in nine European Union (EU) Member States: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Co ...; [Read more...]
Dublin : Eurofound, 2013
Abstract: The influence of parenting on the well-being and future opportunities of children is widely acknowledged, but it is only recently that parenting support and education have come to be viewed as a social investment that contributes towards reducing parental stress and helping parents to manage their work–life balance. European Member States provide support for parenting in many different ways, from very practical medical-based interventions such as support with breastfeeding, to programm ...; [Read more...]