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[Paris : OECD, 2012]
Abstract: This brochure provides smart data over the following 8 topics: in secondary school, gender differences in science performance are small; at university, women and men choose different fields of study; women are still less likely than men to participate in the labour market; when in employment, they are also more likely to work part-time; women do more unpaid work than men; although the gender wage gap has narrowed over time, it is still large; women are still under-represented in top co ...; [Read more...]
Paris : OECD, 2012
Abstract: Information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the Internet are increasingly viewed as a vital infrastructure for all sectors of the economy. Already, employment in the ICT industry and employment of ICT specialist skills each accounts for up to 5% of total employment in OECD countries and ICT intensive-users account for more than 20% of all workers. In addition, the emerging "green" economy is a "smarter" economy that has increased demand for ICT-skilled jobs not only in the IC ...; [Read more...]
[S.l.] : OCSE, stampa 2005