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Bonn : IZA, 2018
Abstract: As concerns over growing levels of student loan debt continue to mount for both students and taxpayers, many have called for an improved accountability system in the U.S. higher education system. In this policy brief, I discuss the many flaws in our current system, and outline how a system known as “risk-sharing” could drastically improve incentives and outcomes. I present a framework for how risk-sharing could be structured, and illustrate the distributional impacts (both positive and ...; [Read more...]
Bonn : IZA, 2012
Abstract: Higher education is in the position to save Europe by rendering a substantial contribution to sustainable economic growth. For that purpose higher education must strengthen its innovative power in entrepreneurship education and by focusing research more on societal problems, while being better empowered and enabled by Governments. Universities must show leadership in resolving or channeling the major societal questions. More European competition between universities in education and re ...; [Read more...]
Milano : Angeli, 2012
Abstract: Dimensione fondante l'accompagnamento didattico al tirocinio è la documentazione scritta che lo studente produce sulle attività svolte. Il volume presenta le risultanze di una ricerca che ha inteso far luce sull'esperienza del tirocinio sulla base dell'ipotesi che la scrittura documentativa vi svolga un ruolo essenziale e questo per tre ragioni: perché la scrittura potenzia i processi di riflessività attiva e post-attiva dello studente; perché l'analisi delle scritture fa emergere, all ...; [Read more...]
Bonn : IZA, 2012
Abstract: Higher education contributes to economic innovation. This study measures and compares the extent to which national governments’ policies foster this contribution across Europe. The study stresses the relevance of policies which are ‘empowering’ for higher education institutions, or in other words provide them with appropriate resources and regulatory environments. The assessment relies on quantitative scores, based on the contribution of policies regarding funding and autonomy to highe ...; [Read more...]
Roma : Nuova cultura, c2010
Abstract: L’obiettivo del presente lavoro di ricerca è, quello di fornire un contributo alla conoscenza della metodologia e degli strumenti di riconoscimento e convalida dell’apprendimento esperienziale all’Università, a partire dall’analisi delle procedure di Validation des Acquis Professionnels et Personnels e di Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience adottate in Francia.
[Assago] : CEDAM, 2010
Abstract: Far incontrare domanda e offerta di lavoro e orientare i giovani alle scelte che possono dare maggiori opportunità di occupazione: è questa la sfida all'origine di Global Village Campus, il progetto del ministro della Gioventù, realizzato dall’Università La Sapienza (Centro di Ricerca Impresapiens), nato con l'intenzione di indagare e, se possibile, mettere a punto, un modello scientifico e di riferimento per l’aggregazione, la socializzazione dei giovani nonché l’individuazione di str ...; [Read more...]
[S.l.] : Springer, c2009
Abstract: With contributions from world-renowned experts with years of collective experience in "across-border" education, this volume focuses on the implications of globalization in higher education. In particular, it looks at relations between states and institutions that do not normally attract attention. The chapters analyze the interactions between the South and the North, consider the challenges for "non-elite" institutions, and examine the potential for knowledge flow and creation in acro ...; [Read more...]
Paris : OECD, c2008
Abstract: Stimulating innovative and growth-oriented entrepreneurship is a key economic and societal challenge to which universities and colleges have much to contribute. This book examines the role that higher education institutions are currently playing through teaching entrepreneurship and transferring knowledge and innovation to enterprises and discusses how they should develop this role in the future. The key issues, approaches and trends are analysed and compared across a range of countrie ...; [Read more...]
Firenze : Le Monnier, stampa 2004
Roma : Conferenza dei rettori delle università italiane, [2004]