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Luxembourg : Publications office of the European Union, 2020
Abstract: Advances in ICT have opened the door to new ways of organising work. We are shifting from a regular, bureaucratic and ‘factory-based’ working time pattern towards a more flexible model of work. Telework and ICT-based mobile work (TICTM) has emerged in this transition, giving workers and employers the ability to adapt the time and location of work to their needs. Despite the flexibility and higher level of worker autonomy inherent in TICTM, there are risks that this work arrangement lea ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Publications office of the European Union, 2020
Abstract: The paper discusses the extent of teleworking in the EU before and during the COVID-19 outbreak, develops a conceptual analysis to identify the jobs that can be done from home and those that cannot, and on this basis quantifies the fraction of employees that are in teleworkable occupations across EU countries, sectors and socio-economic profiles.
Brussels : ETUI, 2023
Abstract: The 12 chapters collected in this volume provide a multidisciplinary perspective on the impact and the future trajectories of remote work. They raise, discuss and explore fundamental questions emerging around remote work: from the nexus between the location from where work is performed and how it is performed to how remote locations may affect the way work is managed and organised, as well as the applicability of existing legislation. Additional questions concern remote work’s environm ...; [Read more...]
[Roma] : Universitas Mercatorum Press, 2021
Abstract: La pandemia è stata una gigantesca esercitazione che ci ha permesso di comprendere che un diverso modo di lavorare è possibile, un modo impensabile solo qualche anno fa, che ha consentito tutto sommato al sistema di tenere, innescando un processo di innovazione di dimensioni inattese: un processo come mai era avvenuto nella storia della nostra pubblica amministrazione. Oggi, invece che ritornare alla normalità di prima, abbiamo la possibilità di potenziare quel modello capitalizzando s ...; [Read more...]