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Milano : Angeli, 2014
Torino : Stampatori, [1979]
Dublin : Eurofound, 2013
Abstract: The influence of parenting on the well-being and future opportunities of children is widely acknowledged, but it is only recently that parenting support and education have come to be viewed as a social investment that contributes towards reducing parental stress and helping parents to manage their work–life balance. European Member States provide support for parenting in many different ways, from very practical medical-based interventions such as support with breastfeeding, to programm ...; [Read more...]
Milano : Edizioni di Comunità, [1973]
Paris : OECD, c2013
Abstract: These guidelines represent the first attempt to provide international recommendations on collecting, publishing, and analysing subjective well-being data. They provide guidance on collecting information on people's evaluations and experiences of life, as well as on collecting "eudaimonic" measures of psychological well-being. The guidelines also outline why measures of subjective well-being are relevant for monitoring and policy making, and why national statistical agencies have a crit ...; [Read more...]
Milano : Angeli, 1987