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Brussels : ETUI, 2011
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to identify the changes and enduring features of EU political/policy discourse and to seek to explain them by tentatively relating them to factors regarded as their determinants. In the first section, a theory of EU discourse is presented, in the context of its relationships to law and the funding of policies. Subsequently essential elements of official discourse as manifested both before and after the crisis are identified and it is explained how changes can b ...; [Read more...]
[S.l. : s.n.], 2010
Abstract: The EU designated 2010 as the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion. Social exclusion is the consequence of a series of problems affecting an individual or groups, for example unemployment, discrimination, low levels of skills, or low income. Foundation Findings provide pertinent background information and policy pointers for all actors and interested parties engaged in the current European debate on the future of social policy. The contents are based on Foundation r ...; [Read more...]
Roma : ISFOL, 2012
Abstract: Il Lifelong Learning Programme ha rappresentato un’opportunità eccezionale per i sistemi educativi e formativi fornendo loro una forte spinta innovativa. In particolare l’investimento fatto dal Programma Leonardo da Vinci è ingente non solo dal punto di vista dell’entità del quadro finanziario ma soprattutto per la sfida raccolta all’inizio della programmazione dai beneficiari e destinatari degli interventi che hanno potuto sperimentare percorsi innovativi e flessibili, in taluni casi ...; [Read more...]
Roma : ISFOL, 2015
Roma : ISFOL, c2013
Abstract: Gli sforzi degli Stati membri per innovare e modernizzare le politiche sociali potrebbero trarre vantaggi significativi dalla conoscenza e dalla capitalizzazione di esperienze che hanno funzionato sul campo, aggregando interessi convergenti di attori pubblici e privati, rispondendo a vecchi e nuovi bisogni, e giungendo a risultati ritenuti soddisfacenti presso quelle utenze cui si rivolge la Piattaforma Europea contro la povertà e l’emarginazione. Questo approfondimento tematico ha evi ...; [Read more...]
Brussels : P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2010
Abstract: How can Europe 2020, the EU's new Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, lead to a stronger Social EU with less poverty and greater social cohesion? This book by a number of eminent scholars and experts is the first to attempt to answer this question. The adoption in June 2010 by EU leaders of a target to lift at least 20 million people out of the risk of poverty and exclusion by 2020 is an important step forward. However, delivering on this and the Union's four other mu ...; [Read more...]