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Roma : AESSE, stampa 2000
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2011
Abstract: Cedefop’s new glossary of terms on quality in education and training is meant to promote communication and understanding between countries. It is intended for all stakeholders in education and VET, researchers; experts; those involved in improving learning curricula; and education and training providers. While it does not represent an exhaustive inventory of the terminology used by specialists, the glossary – an updated and extended version of Quality in training / La qualite dans la f ...; [Read more...]
Roma : Palinsesto, 2014
Abstract: Come si configura la formazione oggi? Quali i tratti peculiari e quali, invece, gli orientamenti che si profilano all’orizzonte? A queste domande hanno provato a rispondere, secondo diverse prospettive di analisi e diversi punti di vista disciplinari, 31 esperti che la formazione, in Italia, l’hanno fatta e la fanno, la vivono, la interpretano, la studiano. Nuove parole della formazione, nel cercare di identificare criticamente e in modo retrospettivo tendenze, parole chiave, politich ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Office for official publications of the European Communities, 2008
Abstract: This glossary defines a selection of 100 terms used in the fi eld of education and training policy in Europe. It is intended for researchers and practitioners and more generally for all those involved in education and training policy. It does not represent an exhaustive inventory of the terminology used by specialists; rather it identifi es key terms that are essential for an understanding of current education and training policy in Europe. This glossary was prepared in cooperation wit ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2004