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Marseiile : Céreq, 2004
Marseiile : Céreq, 2004
Paris : Organisation de cooperation et de developpement economiques, 1977
Marseille : Céreq, 2004
[S.l. : s.n.], 2011
Abstract: The unemployment rate for young people aged between 16 and 24 years in the EU27 is twice as high as the overall rate of unemployment. The recession has exacerbated this problem significantly. Foundation findings provide pertinent background information and policy pointers for all actors and interested parties engaged in the current European debate on the future of social policy. The contents are based on Foundation research and reflect its autonomous and tripartite structure.
[S.l.] : Agenzia nazionale italiana gioventu Eurodesk Italy, 2002
[S.l.] : Agenzia nazionale italiana gioventù Eurodesk Italy, 2004
[S.l.] : Agenzia nazionale italiana gioventù Eurodesk Italy, 2004
Luxembourg : Office des publications officielles des Communautes europeennes, 1986
Marseille : Céreq, 2004