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Roma : CNEL, [2004?]
New York, NY : Guilford Press, c2012
Abstract: Identifying factors related to poverty that affect infants, toddlers, and their families, this book describes promising early child care and intervention practices specifically tailored to these children and families' needs. Leading authorities from multiple disciplines present cutting-edge research and discuss the implications for practice and policy. Contributors review salient findings on attention, memory, language, self-regulation, attachment, physical health, family processes, an ...; [Read more...]
Roma : Ministero della pubblica istruzione, 1980
Luxembourg : Publications office of the European Union, 2020
Abstract: This report summarises out-of-school care (OSC) in the EU and examines related issues, including take-up of OSC, barriers and policy solutions. The study recommends: agreeing on a definition of OSC; addressing the gap between standard working hours and compulsory schooling hours; supporting further research into the links between OSC and parental work–life balance; increasing take-up of existing services; establishing quality conventions; and reviewing the working conditions of OSC sta ...; [Read more...]
[S.l. : s.n.], 1987 (Roma : Istituto poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato)
Milano : UNICOPLI, 1991
Milano : Franco Angeli, 2022
Abstract: Il presente numero della rivista 'Sicurezza e scienze sociali' è dedicato alla povertà minorile, in tutte le sue dimensioni, in un momento in cui l'emergenza sanitaria ha sicuramente accentuato le disuguaglianze sociali ponendo enfasi sulla necessità di ridefinire le priorità di intervento e di pervenire ad un progetto politico integrato tra azioni educative, economiche e sociali, per il benessere dell'intera collettività. Contrastare la povertà minorile e favorire le pari opportuni ...; [Read more...]
Pisa : Plus, 2004
Torino : [s.n.], 2002