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Napoli : Formez, 1978
Roma : EL, stampa 1984
Torino : Rosenberg & Sellier, 1979
Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 2013
Abstract: The paper proposes an approach to understand the relationship between inequality and economic growth obtained by shifting the analysis from the space of final achievements to the space of opportunities. To this end, it introduces a formal framework based on the concept of the Opportunity Growth Incidence Curve. This framework can be used to evaluate the income dynamics of specific groups of the population and to infer the role of growth in the evolution of inequality of opportunity ove ...; [Read more...]
Cambridge \etc.! : Cambridge University Press, 1995
Abstract: This book condemns neglect of macroeconomic analysis in designing full-employment policies. The money value of total domestic production rather than the price level should be the objective of a combined fiscal-monetary policy emphasizing low interest rates rather than low tax rates. Full employment without unacceptable inflation or poverty needs radical reforms, such as labor-capital partnerships, low real wage rates offset by a universal tax-free social benefit, abolition of national ...; [Read more...]
Roma : Carocci, 2011
Abstract: This book focuses on many aspects of underground economy and tax evasion of interest to the policy maker. Each chapter shows selected results of the National Research Project "Macroeconomic and Policy Implications of Underground Economy and Tax Evasion" which has been submitted by four Italian Universities and funded by miur (Ministry of Education, University and Research) through prin (National Research Project) in 2006. The papers which compose the volume aim to investigate several f ...; [Read more...]
[S.l. : s.n.], 1984 (Roma : Edigraf)
Milano : Franco Angeli, 2010
Abstract: Dopo una documentazione quantitativa iniziale sulle dinamiche occupazionali e distributive in Italia, nell’Unione Europea e negli USA, questo fascicolo monografico dei "Quaderni di Economia del Lavoro" analizza nei dettagli le politiche occupazionali e del lavoro, intese come servizi per l’impiego, politiche attive del lavoro e politiche passive, con particolare riguardo agli ammortizzatori sociali, senza trascurare le politiche sociali, industriali e di sviluppo, le politiche dei redd ...; [Read more...]
London ; New York : Routledge, c2011
Abstract: The book brings together feminist economists and feminist political economists from different countries located in North America and Europe to analyze the ‘strategic silence’ about gender in fiscal and monetary policy, and financial regulation. This silence reflects a set of assumptions that the key instruments of financial governance are gender-neutral. This often masks the ways in which financial governance operates to the disadvantage of women and reinforces gender inequality. This ...; [Read more...]
Bologna : Il mulino, 2011
Abstract: Gli ultimi 30 anni sono stati punteggiati da crisi finanziarie di singoli o più paesi e, dal 2007, da una di natura globale. Nonostante il ripetersi delle crisi, le autorità di governo, gli operatori economici e gli economisti sono stati spesso presi di sorpresa, nella fallace convinzione che gli errori del passato fossero stati compresi e opportunamente corretti e i sistemi finanziari resi più robusti. L'esame delle crisi mostra invece che queste sono state causate da errori e ritardi ...; [Read more...]