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Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press, 1982
College Station : Stata press, 2006
College Station : Stata press, 2009
College Station : Stata, 2010
Abstract: The book provides the foundation to understand various approaches for analyzing time-to-event data. It is not only a tutorial for learning survival analysis but also a valuable reference for using Stata to analyze survival data. Although the book assumes knowledge of statistical principles, simple probability, and basic Stata, it takes a practical, rather than mathematical, approach to the subject. This updated third edition highlights new features of Stata 11, including competing-risk ...; [Read more...]
Bologna : il Mulino, 2013
Abstract: I dati longitudinali, cioè organizzati per seguire i soggetti analizzati nel corso del tempo, sono oggi di prima rilevanza per le scienze sociali (sociologia, demografia e economia). Ambiti quali la formazione delle famiglie, gli eventi di fecondità, i percorsi lavorativi, le carriere occupazionali, i rischi di disoccupazione, i circuiti fra precariato e non lavoro sono solo alcuni fra i molti campi di studio in cui l'analisi dei dati longitudinali costituisce ormai un approccio standa ...; [Read more...]
London : Sage Publishing, 2016
Abstract: The book to provide a unified framework for both single-level and multilevel modeling of ordinal categorical data, Applied Ordinal Logistic Regression Using Stata helps readers learn how to conduct analyses, interpret the results from Stata output, and present those results in scholarly writing. Using step-by-step instructions, this non-technical, applied book leads students, applied researchers, and practitioners to a deeper understanding of statistical concepts by closely connecting ...; [Read more...]
Roma : Centro studi Confindustria, 2002
New York : Psycology Press, 2007
Abstract: The volume provides an introduction to event history modeling techniques using Stata (version 9), a widely used statistical program that provides tools for data analysis. The book emphasizes the usefulness of event history models for causal analysis in the social sciences and the application of continuous-time models. The authors illustrate the entire research path required in the application of event-history analysis, from the initial problems of recording event-oriented data, to data ...; [Read more...]
Torino : Unione industriale, stampa 1984
College Station : Stata press, 2013
Abstract: Introduction to Time Series Using Stata provides a practical guide to working with time-series data using Stata and will appeal to a broad range of users. The many examples, concise explanations that focus on intuition, and useful tips based on the author’s decades of experience using time-series methods make the book insightful not just for academic users but also for practitioners in industry and government. The book is appropriate both for new Stata users and for experienced users w ...; [Read more...]