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3rd European Company Survey : workplace practices : patterns, performance and well-being
/ Eurofound
Luxembourg : Publications office of the European Union, 2015
Abstract: The third wave of Eurofound’s European Company Survey was carried out in 2013. It surveyed management representatives in over 24,000 establishments; where available, employee representatives were also interviewed – in 6,800 of these establishments. The survey captured workplace practices in terms of work organisation, human resource management, direct participation and social dialogue. After setting out the findings, this report then examines how these practices relate to each other a ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2014
Abstract: This report, based on data from the fifth European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), aims at identifying occupations in Europe that have multiple disadvantages, thereby making it difficult for people to stay in these jobs. The main tools used in this analysis are the Job Quality Indices (JQIs), such as earnings, prospects, working time and intrinsic job quality, constructed by Green and Mostafa on the basis of the fifth EWCS. Occupations where job quality is consistently low are labell ...; [Read more...]