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[S.l.: s.n.], 2012
Abstract: Ce rapport décrit et analyse les évolutions constatées sur la période 2008-2012 en matière d’emploi. Il propose de fournir aux pouvoirs publics, partenaires sociaux et plus largement aux acteurs du marché du travail le diagnostic, les données comparatives utiles à leurs décisions.
Il rapporto descrive e analizza le tendenze occupazionali osservate nel periodo 2008-2012. L’obiettivo è di fornire a governi, parti sociali ed interlocutori attivi che si interessino di analisi del mercat ...; [Read more...]
Il rapporto descrive e analizza le tendenze occupazionali osservate nel periodo 2008-2012. L’obiettivo è di fornire a governi, parti sociali ed interlocutori attivi che si interessino di analisi del mercat ...; [Read more...]
[S.l. : s.n.], 2011
Abstract: This quarterly report provides an in depth overview of developments in the European labour market, including from a social perspective, based on the latest available quarterly (and monthly) data. It summarises short-term trends in GDP and employment growth, changes in employment by sector and category of employment, working hours, trends in employment and unemployment rates (including for different subgroups), developments in labour demand and labour costs, and recent changes in econom ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2012
Abstract: Key figures on Europe presents a selection of statistical data on Europe. Most data cover the European Union and its Member States, while some indicators are provided for other countries, such as members of EFTA, candidate countries to the European Union, Japan or the United States. The pocketbook treats the following areas: economy and finance; population; health; education and training; labour market; living conditions and social protection; industry, trade and services; agriculture, ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2013
Abstract: This extensive pocketbook on enlargement countries covers the years 2001 to 2011 and contains tables and graphs on demography, education, social conditions and labour force, national accounts, finance and prices, agriculture, energy, industry, construction and services, transport, communications and information society, as well as external trade, research and development and environment. A short commentary on the data and methodological notes are also included.
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2019
Abstract: The purpose of this quality report is to provide the users of the European Union Labour Market Statistics with a tool for assessing the quality of these statistics which are based on the European Union Labour Force Survey. It provides a brief description of the survey and a summary of the main quality indicators which are: relevance, accuracy, accessibility and clarity, timeliness and punctuality, comparability, and coherence. The quality report is updated annually.
Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [etc.], 2011
Abstract: The objective of this note is two-fold: in fisrt place, to review the most recent employment and labour market trends in a period of highly differentiated recovery from the global downturn; then, to highlight key structural issues in G20 labour markets and the policy challenges to address them. The note shows that all G20 countries are facing substantial labour market challenges to promote productive employment and decent work opportunities for all. Some of these have arisen during the ...; [Read more...]