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Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2020
Abstract: This publication is the fourth edition in Eurostat’s series of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) monitoring reports, which provide a quantitative assessment of European Union (EU) progress towards reaching the SDGs. The 2020 edition is based on a set of around 100 indicators that have
been selected taking into account their policy relevance from an EU perspective as well as their availability, country coverage, data freshness and quality.
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2012
Abstract: This report claims that the main factors slowing down adaptation to the green economy and the development of necessary skills are the failure of employers to demand new qualifications, and the uncertainty surrounding regulations and policies. Learning providers also report difficulties in meeting the needs of employers and understanding what organisations' skill needs are. Overall, there is limited evidence that green policies have become part of the mainstream of skills development an ...; [Read more...]
Paris : OECD, c2013
Abstract: The objective of this paper is to highlight some of the most important implementation issues associated with the greening of global value chains (GVCs). Special attention is given to how public policies and business strategies can support each other in meeting the challenge, particularly in developing countries. The first part calls for holding a systemic view of GVCs. This view should include downstream supply chains and take explicit account of the relationships between regular membe ...; [Read more...]
[S.l. : s.n.], 2012
Abstract: All jobs will be affected as the EU moves to a green economy: new jobs will be created and some will be eliminated, but most existing jobs will be transformed. To ensure a socially responsible transition towards high-quality green jobs, concerted efforts by governments, employees, employers and other stakeholders are crucial in anticipating and managing this process. This study examined green business practices and greening processes aimed at mitigating climate change – if radical miti ...; [Read more...]
Paris : OECD, c2013
Abstract: Green growth gains momentum, not only for governments but for companies as well. They see increasingly the opportunities that come along with ‘green growth’ as well as the relevance of mitigating environmental and social risks to which they are exposed. This paper’s central message is that high quality information is necessary to support decisions that drive green growth.
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2010
Abstract: Green job creation has enormous potential and is crucial to ensuring smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The case for government support to drive this forward is clear – industry cannot do it alone. Europe’s policy-makers need to ensure that their support for skills and training matches the focus and ambition of their strategies for promoting investment in green innovation and infrastructure. This European synthesis report on skills for green jobs brings together the findings from ...; [Read more...]
Paris : OECD, c2013
Abstract: Long-term projections suggest that without policy changes, the continuation of business-as-usual economic growth and development will have serious impacts on natural resources and the ecosystem services on which human well-being depends. This highlights the necessity for both developed and developing countries to move to a new growth path that is consistent with the protection of the environment and a sustainable use of scarce natural resources, while still achieving sizeable gains in ...; [Read more...]
Paris : OECD, c2013
Abstract: New business models can make an important contribution to the transition to green growth. While some new business models involve large firms, others are small start-up firms that seek to exploit technological or commercial opportunities that have been neglected or not yet explored by more established firms. New firms tend to engage in more radical innovation than existing firms, and scaling up new business models can therefore help reduce environmental pollution, optimise the use of na ...; [Read more...]