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Firenze : La nuova Italia, 1974
Paris : OECD, c2015
Abstract: Across OECD countries, more than 12% of public spending is invested in education. Yet as international surveys like the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) show, there is considerable variation in how that money is spent and the outcomes it produces. This first edition of the Education Policy Outlook aims to help policy makers and other stakeholders in education learn how their peers in other countries respond to common challenges, from teaching ...; [Read more...]
Paris : OCDE, 1972
Genova : Associazione Treellle, 2006
Roma : [s.n.], 1976 (Roma : Leberit)
Politiche educative di istruzione e di formazione : la dimensione internazionale
/ Guglielmo Malizia
[S.l. : s.n.], stampa 2008 (Roma : Istituto salesiano Pio 11.)
Paris : OCDE, 1971