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Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
Abstract: Through a comprehensive overview of policies and data related to the renewed European agenda for adult learning, this Eurydice report aims to support the exchange of policy and practice between countries. The report concentrates on measures to ensure that the most vulnerable groups of adult learners, in particular those with low basic skills or insufficient qualifications, have appropriate access to lifelong learning opportunities. The report's six chapters cover background statistical ...; [Read more...]
Brussels : EACEA, c2012
Abstract: The report reviews national policies and strategies for reforming the citizenship curricula. It also focuses on measures to encourage 'learning by doing', which is a critical element in an area of learning that requires practical skills. Comparable and detailed information is provided on the regulations, programmes and initiatives that enable students to gain practical experience in social and political life; the methods of assessment used by teachers to evaluate students' practical le ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Publications office of the European Union, 2012
Abstract: This cross-country report has been produced in support of the European Commission's Communication on Rethinking Education (2012). The main objective of the report is to present the findings on some of the challenges that European countries face in the implementation of the key competences approach, and to identify problem areas and common obstacles. Based on research evidence and national practices, the report will also outline a range of measures that have the potential to effectively ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Publications office of the European Union, 2018
Abstract: The Bologna Process has brought us a long way towards achieving the goals for European higher education set two decades ago. This third edition of the Bologna Process Implementation Report provides clear evidence of change in the higher education landscape. It shows where progress has been made, but also points to the gaps that need to be filled if we are to strengthen European higher education cooperation on the basis of quality and mutual trust. Higher education has been evolving rap ...; [Read more...]
Brussels : Eurydice, 2003
[S.l. : s.n.], c2003 (Firenze : F & F Parretti Grafiche)
Brussels : Eurydice European Unit, 2005
Bruxelles : EURYDICE, c2003
Bruxelles : Eurydice, [197.?]
Bruxelles : Eurydice, [1995]