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Cambridge : Cambridge University press, 1996
London : CEPR press, 2020
Abstract: At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was hoped that warm weather and younger populations would shield many developing countries from the virus. This hope has not been realised. While the pandemic is mostly under control in many advanced economies, some developing countries in Africa and Latin America are registering an increase in the number of cases and may suffer long lasting consequences from the pandemic. This book, co-published with the International Development Policy jo ...; [Read more...]
London : CEPR press, 2020
Abstract: COVID-19 may be as contagious economically as it is medically. This eBook addresses some key questions: How, and how far and fast, will the economic damage spread? How bad will it get? How long will the damage last? What are the mechanisms of economic contagion? And, above all, what can governments do about it?
London : CEPR press, 2020
Abstract: Leading economists from around the world are calling for swift policy action to mitigate the economic damage from the global pandemic. In this second eBook on the coronavirus from CEPR and Vox, the experts are unanimous that the case for decisive and coordinated fiscal stimulus is overwhelming.