european foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions
Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2014
Abstract: This report, based on data from the fifth European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), aims at identifying occupations in Europe that have multiple disadvantages, thereby making it difficult for people to stay in these jobs. The main tools used in this analysis are the Job Quality Indices (JQIs), such as earnings, prospects, working time and intrinsic job quality, constructed by Green and Mostafa on the basis of the fifth EWCS. Occupations where job quality is consistently low are labell ...; [Read more...]
This report, based on data from the fifth European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), aims at identifying occupations in Europe that have multiple disadvantages, thereby making it difficult for people to stay in these jobs. The main tools used in this analysis are the Job Quality Indices (JQIs), such as earnings, prospects, working time and intrinsic job quality, constructed by Green and Mostafa on the basis of the fifth EWCS. Occupations where job quality is consistently low are labelled ‘occupations with multiple disadvantages’. These occupations score relatively poorly on all four indicators of job quality: earnings, job and career prospects, working time and intrinsic job quality. The relationship between the structural characteristics of the workforce (such as gender composition, age, education and sector of economy) and the quality of an occupation is also assessed; and the differences among specific types of employees are discussed.
La presente relazione, basata sui dati della quinta indagine europea sulle condizioni di lavoro (European Working Conditions Survey, EWCS), mira a individuare le occupazioni esistenti in Europa che presentano molteplici svantaggi, tali da rendere difficile la permanenza in questi impieghi. I principali strumenti utilizzati nell’analisi sono gli indici della qualità del lavoro (Job Quality Indices, JQI), ad esempio i redditi, le prospettive, l’orario di lavoro e la qualità intrinseca del lavoro, elaborati da Green e Mostafa sulla base della quinta indagine EWCS. Le occupazioni caratterizzate da una qualità del lavoro costantemente bassa sono classificate come "occupazioni con molteplici svantaggi". Tali occupazioni evidenziano punteggi relativamente bassi per tutti i quattro indicatori della qualità del lavoro: redditi, prospettive di lavoro e di carriera, orario di lavoro e qualità intrinseca del lavoro. Si valuta inoltre la relazione tra le caratteristiche strutturali della forza lavoro (come la composizione di genere, l’età, l’istruzione e il settore economico) e la qualità di un’occupazione e si esaminano le differenze tra tipologie specifiche di lavoratori.