Longhi, Simonetta
[Colchester?] : ISER, 2011
Abstract: Individual data for Great Britain over the period 1992-2009 are used in this paper to compare the probability that employed and unemployed job seekers find a job, and the quality of the job they find. The job finding rate of unemployed job seekers is 50 percent higher than that of employed job seekers, and this difference seems to be due to behavioural differences between employed and unemployed job seekers rather than differences in characteristics. Consistent with search theory, the ...; [Read more...]
Individual data for Great Britain over the period 1992-2009 are used in this paper to compare the probability that employed and unemployed job seekers find a job, and the quality of the job they find. The job finding rate of unemployed job seekers is 50 percent higher than that of employed job seekers, and this difference seems to be due to behavioural differences between employed and unemployed job seekers rather than differences in characteristics. Consistent with search theory, the paper finds that employed job seekers are more selective in evaluating job offers; for example, they are less likely to accept low-wage and temporary jobs, or jobs that do not meet their working hour requirements.
Il lavoro utilizza dati per la Gran Bretagna del periodo 1992-2009 per comparare la probabilità che occupati e disoccupati in cerca di lavoro trovino un’occupazione e la qualità del lavoro che trovano. Coerentemente con la teoria alla base della ricerca, scopriamo che le persone in cerca di lavoro ma impiegate sono più selettive nel valutare offerte di lavoro, ad esempio sono meno propense ad accettare bassi salari e posti di lavoro temporanei, o lavori che non soddisfano le loro esigenze in termine di ore lavorative.